Solar Installation Savings Calculator

Check & calculate your electric consumption and how you can save more money using our solar calculator solutions.

Calculate Your Electric Consumption Per Year

* RM0.435 for the first 200 kWh & RM0.509 per kWh for above 200 kWh
Total kWh Per Year (in kWh) :
Total Cost Per Year (in RM) :

Choose Solar Savings Percentage

Total Savings Per Year (in RM) :

System Size

* System price range 5kWac = RM5k/kWp

Total System Size (in kWp) :
Total System Price (in RM) :

Return On Investment

Return On Investment (in years) :
Return On Investment (ROI) in year : 
Set Your Electric Consumption
Check and set your average electric consumption per month. Our solar installation savings calculator will automatically calculate your total cost per year.
Choose Your Location
Select your solar savings percentage and choose your house or building location. Our solar installation savings calculator will then calculate the total system size for you. The system will also calculate the ROI (in how many years) for your solar installation.
Contact us
Fill in the form, send to us and we will contact and send you the quotation based on your needs.
click here to find out our Solar Calculator Terms & Conditions


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OUR LOCATIONSWhere to find us?

Suite 23 Level 25, Naza Tower Platinum Park,
10 Persiaran KLCC, 50088 Kuala Lumpur,

office number : +603 2300 9256

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